
User Experience Designer/Developer
My mom was a formally trained fine artist, and my dad was a career I ended up with a passion for aesthetics and an obsession with how things work. Educated in marketing and communications, I'm a self taught designer/developer hybrid. Skills include:
- CSS expert
- HTML purist (kinda)
- User interface craftsman
- User experience activist
- HTML email endurer
- Git ♥er
- PHP dabbler
- MySQL hater (but user still)
- Ruby rookie
- jQuery explorer
- Information architecture fiend
- Print design pro
Download formal resume PDF here.
UX/Product Designer
06-2013 thru Present
At GitHub I work with the training team on top-secret apps that I cannot talk about. If you're not familiar with GitHub, we create Git based tools to help people work together. You can read more about GitHub from this recent article in the Bloomberg Businessweek.
Visual Design Engineer
05-2012 thru 06-2013
Was part of the professional services arm at appendTo, designing and developing user experiences for our clients. Primarily front-end development, working with HTML and CSS, as well as some information architecture and user experience design Wordpress development. Served as a Tech Lead on several projects; was part of the responsive redesign, which you can read about here. Worked with TIME, Microsoft, Zumba, Bloomberg, Pearson, etc.
CURE International
Design Consultant
05-2012 thru 12-2012
Principal Designer
07-2011 thru 04-2012
Web & Graphic Designer
09-2009 thru 06-2011
As principal designer I was responsible for all aspects of communications and marketing design at CURE - including CURE's visual brand presence, creating a visually compelling experience at, and across all marketing campaigns. Also created web layouts in Photoshop and built them out with HMTL & CSS within a SVN-managed development environment as part of a small in house marketing/development team. Also responsible for all print graphic design, and strategic marketing input.
Currently, as a contract design consultant I give critical input to marketing initiatives, provide in-house training for new talent, and assist as needed with projects.
To support CURE on my behalf, go here.
Design/Development Contractor
01-2012 thru 05-2012
I've had the pleasure of being part of the wonderful team at andCulture on a contract basis, helping with design and development overflow work. I've been part of projects like (icon design), (markup and wordpress implementation), and (markup and wordpress implementation).
Harrisburg Area Community College
Adjunct Professor
03-2008 thru Present
I teach courses in the noncredit technology department to primarily adult continuing education students, on a very part time basis. Courses I've taught include: Photoshop Basics, Illustrator Basics, Intro to Digital Photography, Introduction to Computers, and Web Authoring.
If you're looking for resources for a class I've taught, check here.
JAG Design Ideas
10-2007 thru Present
Business face of my full-time freelance career for about two years, and part time thereafter. Have provided print and web design services to a wide range of clients, many in the nonprofit sector. Feel free to browser some of my JAG Design Ideas projects here.
Graphic Designer
08-2004 thru 10-2007
Primarily print work, including brand identity, outdoor signage, apparel design, and some fine art projects for a local clients.
Liberty University
BS in Communication - AD/PR
2000 thru 2004
Graduated with honors from Communications department with a Public Relations specialization. Founding member of Liberty's Student Chapter of the American Advertising Federation (AAF). Member of the men's step team Alpha Omega (true story).